Author (s): T. Paul, L. Rahman, M.Q.I. Matin*, M. Z. Raihan4 and M.B. Banu
*Corresponding author,
*Corresponding author,
The experiment was conducted during the period from July, 2002 to March, 2003 in the Tissue Culture Laboratory of the Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. The seeds used in these experiments were collected from Bangladesh Jute Research Institute. Four varieties of Corchorus capsularis and Corchorus olitorius were used in this experiment to study the in vitro seed germination percentage, shoot length, root length, shoot weight, cotyledon length and cotyledon breadth. Significant variations were observed for all the characters in all varieties and sucrose concentrations used in the experiment. But the interaction of variety × sucrose showed non significant variation for the germination percentage and shoot weight. For the other characters, the interaction was significant. Among the varieties, CVE-3 showed highest germination percentage and showed better performance for all the characters except cotyledon development. CC-45 performed the best for cotyledon length and breadth. Among the different concentrations of sucrose used in this experiment, 1% sucrose performed best for all the characters except root length.
Key words: Protocol, In vitro, Corchorus, Seed germination and Seedling attributes
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Key words: Protocol, In vitro, Corchorus, Seed germination and Seedling attributes
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