Author (s): M. A. Masum, M. Z. I. Khan, M. U. Ahmed, M. N. H. Siddiqi and M. Nasrin
[Histology was performed in the
central or primarylymphoid
tissues (thymus and bursa of Fabricius) of the twelve 25-days-old “Kasilla”
broilers by observation of H & E stained sections in the Department of
Anatomy and Histology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Bangladesh Agricultural
University, Mymensingh during the period from March to October 2011. Study revealed that the thymus was covered by
a thin connective tissue capsule. Numerous fine septa of connective tissue
originated from the capsule and divided the organ into many incompletely
separated lobules. Each lobule was divided into a peripheral cortex and a
central medulla. The population of the immunocompetent cells (lymphocytes and
immunoglobulin containing plasma cells) in the cortex were denser rather than
that of medulla of the thymic lobule. The bursa of Fabricius was consisting of
long thick mucosal folds (plicae). Numerous follicles filled the lamina propria
of each fold and each bursal follicle was composed a peripheral cortex and a
central medulla. The population of the immunocompetent cells in the cortex of
the bursal follicle were denser rather than that of medulla of the bursal
follicle. The length and width of the thymic lobules were 391.63 ± 25.874 μm
and 202.50 ± 15.580 μm, bursal follicles were 594.38 ± 41.205 μm and 464.75 ±
17.721 μm respectively. This study helps
to understand the distribution of immunocompetent cells in the central lymphoid
organ of broiler.
Key words:
Histology, central lymphoid tissues, thymus, bursa of Fabricius,
immunocompetent cells
and broilers.
J. Expt. Biosci. 4(1):1-8, January 2013
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