Author (s): Md. Ziaur Rahman Bhuiyan, Md. Rafiqul Islam and Nazneen Sultana


An experiment was conducted at Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University on integrated approach for management of rhizome rot of ginger during 2011 to 2012. There were sixteen treatments used including untreated control such as Bavistin 50WP, Poultry waste + Ridomil gold MZ 72, Poultry waste+ neem leaf extract, Saw dusts + alamanda leaf extract, Poultry waste+ Bavistin 50WP, Saw dusts+ neem leaf extract, Trichoderma harzianum, Poultry waste, Saw dusts+ Ridomil gold MZ 72, Poultry waste+ alamanda leaf extract, Saw dusts, Saw dusts+ Bavistin 50WP, Ridomil gold MZ 72, neem leaf extract and alamanda leaf extract. Rhizomes were treated with Bavistin 50WP, Ridomil gold, neem leaf extract, alamanda leaf extract and Trichoderma harzianum. Poultry waste and saw dusts were applied in the plot during land preparation. The lowest disease incidence (2.77%) and the highest reduction of disease incidence (95.66%) over untreated control were counted in Poultry waste+Bavistin 50WP followed by Poultry waste+Ridomil gold MZ 72 and Poultry waste + Alamanda leaf extract at 240 Days after sowing (DAP). The highest disease incidence (63.88%) was recorded in untreated control. The lowest disease severity (8.23%) and the highest reduction of disease severity (84.62%) over control was recorded at 240 DAP in Poultry waste+Bavistin 50WP followed by Poultry waste+alamanda leaf extract. The highest number of tillers (60) per hill, the highest plant height (65.2 0 cm), the highest weight (3039 g) of the healthy rhizome and that (307.3 g) of infected rhizome was recorded in Poultry waste+Bavistin 50WP.  The highest rhizome yield (16.73 t ha-1) was achieved in Poultry waste+Bavistin 50WP which was 172.92% higher over the untreated control followed by Poultry waste + Alamanda leaf extract (16.24 t ha-1). Poultry waste+alamanda leaf extract also showed better yield (16.24t ha-1) performance.

Key Words: Ginger, Rhizome treatment, Bavistin 50WP, Ridomil gold MZ-72, Alamanda leaf extract, Neem leaf extract, Saw dust and Poultry waste.

J. Expt. Biosci. 4(1):1-8, January 2013

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