Author (s): M.
K. Alam, M. N. Hossain, N. Salahin and M. M. Rahman
Two field experiments were conducted at
the central farm of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur during
2008-2009 and 2009-2010 to study the short-term effect of different tillage
depth and cropping patterns on soil bulk density, infiltration rate and crop
productivity. Treatment consists of three tillage depths (minimum tillage
depth; medium tillage depth up to 10-12 cm and deep tillage up to 20-23 cm) and
three cropping patterns (wheat –fallow- T.aman; Wheat- mungbean-T.aman;
wheat-dhaincha-T.aman).Tillage depth, cropping pattern and their interaction showed significant influence on soil bulk
density, infiltration rate and crop productivity. Minimum tillage performed the
whereas, the minimum tillage and deep tillage performed better and
worst regarding soil bulk density and infiltration
rate. Wheat
–dhaincha –T.aman cropping pattern performed the best regarding yields,soil bulk density and infiltration rate followed by
wheat- mungbean-T. aman and then by
wheat-fallow-T.aman cropping pattern. The
interaction of minimum tillage and wheat -fallow-T.aman cropping pattern performed the best regarding soil bulk density and infiltration rate.
Key words: Plough pan, deep tillage, cropping
pattern and biomass incorporation
J. Expt. Biosci. 4(1):1-8, January 2013
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