7-1-9 Hasan et al


Jahangir Hasan, M. Razzab Ali, Tahmina Akter, S. M. M. Rahman and Sumon Saha
*Corresponding author’s email: razzab_1968@yahoo.com


The experiment was conducted at the field in Rampal, Munshiganj, Bangladesh, during the period from February’ 2014 to June’ 2014 to study the efficacy of botanical & chemical insecticides (T1 = Neem leaf extract @ 200g L-1 of water sprayed at 7 days interval, T2 = Neem seed karnel extract @200g L-1 of water at 7days interval, T3 = Neem oil @ 4 ml L-1 of water mixed with 10ml of trix liquid sprayed at 7 days interval, T4 = Dholkalmi leaf extract @200g L-1 of water at 7 days interval, T5 = Mahogany leaf extract  @200g L-1 of water at 7 days interval ,T6 = Suntap 50SP @ 1.5ml L-1of water at 7 days interval and T7 = Untreated control) on yield & yield attributes of okra following the management of Okra Shoot & Fruit borer. The applied botanicals and chemical insecticides showed significant effect on the highest number of branches and fruit yield. T6 at 80 (at last harvest) showed the highest number of branches (5.73 plant-1) and fruit yield (16.13 t ha-1) which were 144.56 and 35.92 % higher over the control. At this stage the control (T7) had the lowest values in number of branches per plant (2.73), plant height (75.47 cm) and fruit yield (11.87 t ha-1).  Among the botanicals, T3 had the highest fruit yield (14.07 t ha-1) which was 13% lower than that of T6 but 18.51% higher than that of the control.
Key Words: Shoot and fruit borer, Earias vittella; botanicals and chemical.

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