JEB 15(1) January 2024 issue has been released


Journal of Experimental Biosciences  

ISSN 2223-9626 (Online), ISSN 2077-3358 (Print)  


We are pleased to announce that the Journal of Experimental Biosciences Volume 15(1), January 2023 has been released. You can read the all the published article free. Visit here to read the articles:

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JEB 14(2) July 2023 issue has been released


Journal of Experimental Biosciences  

ISSN 2223-9626 (Online), ISSN 2077-3358 (Print)  


We are pleased to announce that the Journal of Experimental Biosciences Volume 14(2), July 2023 has been released. You can read the all the published article free. Visit here to read the articles:

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JEB 14(1) January 2023 has been released


Journal of Experimental Biosciences  

ISSN 2223-9626 (Online), ISSN 2077-3358 (Print)  


We are pleased to announce that the Journal of Experimental Biosciences Volume 14(1), January 2023 has been released. You can read the all the published article free. Visit here to read the articles:

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JEB 13(2) July 2022 has been released


Journal of Experimental Biosciences  

ISSN 2223-9626 (Online), ISSN 2077-3358 (Print)  


We are pleased to announce that the Journal of Experimental Biosciences Volume 13(2), July 2022 has been released. You can read the all the published article free. Visit here to read the articles:

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JEB 13(1) 1-8, January 2022 has been released

Journal of Experimental Biosciences  

ISSN 2223-9626 (Online), ISSN 2077-3358 (Print)  


We are pleased to announce that the Journal of Experimental Biosciences Volume 13(1), January 2022 has been released. You can read the all the published article free. Visit here to read the articles:

  • Read out previous issues, from the archive page


Authors: A.K.M. Ruhul Amin* , Md. Abdullahil Baque and Tanjila Afrose 

 Corresponding author: Email: 



An experiment was conducted in the experimental field of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka- 1207 during the period from 24 November, 2019 to 10 March, 2020 to evaluate the effect of different levels of nitrogen and Sulphur, and to select the suitable combination of nitrogen and Sulphur for achieving maximum yield and oil content of sunflower. The experiment comprised of two factors with varying levels of nitrogen and Sulphur  such as Nitrogen (N1 = 80 kg N ha-1,  N2 = 100 kg N ha-1,  N3 = 120 kg N ha-1  and N4 = 140 kg N ha-1) and Sulphur (S1 = 20 kg S ha-1, S2 = 30 kg S ha-1 and  S3 = 40 kg S ha-1). The experiment was laid out in a split plot design with three replications. Data were collected on different aspects of yield attributes, yield and oil content of sunflower. Results revealed that higher doses of nitrogen (N4 and N3) gave the highest grain yield (1.82 and 1.76 t ha-1, respectively) which may be attributed to the maximum head diameter (16.38 and 15.56cm, respectively), seeds    head-1 (374.11 and 366.17, respectively) and 1000- seed weight (59.74 and 59.34 g, respectively) in these two nitrogen doses. Out of 3 doses of Sulphur, the highest dose (S3) produced the highest seed yield (1.81 t ha-1). This treatment also showed highest leaf area index (1.0950), SPAD value (49.12), seeds head-1 (3366.03) and 1000- seed weight (58.59g). However, N2 and S3 treatment showed highest oil content (in percentage). Regarding the interaction of nitrogen and Sulphur doses, the interaction of highest nitrogen dose (N4) × highest Sulphur dose (S3) (N4 × S3) was maximum seed yielder (2.08 t     ha-1) among the other interactions which was attributed to higher head diameter (16.99 cm), seeds    head-1 (382.31) and 1000- seed weight (60.36 g) in this interaction treatment. On the other hand, N2 × S3 interaction gave maximum oil content in terms of percentage. 

Keywords: Sunflower, Growth, Yield and Oil content. 

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*Corresponding author: E-mail:



The experiment was conducted at the experimental field of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University of Bangladesh during the period from October, 2019 to March, 2020 to evaluate the ecofriendly management of cucurbit fruit fly (Bactrocera  cucurbitae) in bitter gourd. Seven treatments such as; Pheromone trap, Vinegar trap, Sweet gourd bait trap, Banana bait trap, Neem seed extract, Datura seed extract and Untreated control were used in the field. The experiment was laid out following Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. The highest yield increase (183.27%), fruit length (38.30%) & girth (97.86%), number of fruits per plant (156.67%) was achieved by Sex pheromone trap. The highest yield (23.03 ton/ha) was also achieved by Sex pheromone trap followed by 22.16 ton ha-1 in Sweet gourd bait trap. Sex pheromone trap also showed similar performance in terms of weight of single fruit, length of fruit, girth of fruit and yield. It also reduced the fruit infestation. Considering the results of the present study, it can be concluded that the Sex pheromone trap may be used for the management of cucurbit fruit fly in bitter gourd.

Keywords : Bitter gourd, Cucurbit fruit fly, Yield.
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