Author (s): M. A. Aziz1*, Remi Chakma2, M. Ahmed2, A.K.M.M. Rahman2 and K. Roy2
*Corresponding author, E-mail:
*Corresponding author, E-mail:
The study was conducted at some hilly districs of Bangladesh in 2006 to evaluate socio-agroeconomic conditions of the hilly farmers and to find out the existing crops and cropping patterns with production technologies of some hill valley areas of Bangladesh. A total of 80 farmers from 4 different locations viz. Dighinala, Khagrachari, Ramgarh, and Raikhali were selected randomly. Socio-economic profilies of the hill farmers indicated that the average family size was 5.01 with average age 46 years. More than 60% farmers had no formal education. Rice based cropping pattern was predominant where 54% of the respondent farmers followed single cropping pattern of T.aman-Fallow-Fallow. About 45% of the rice growing soil was loam to clay loam where residual moisture prevailed after the harvest of T. Aman. There were plenty of water sources (Chhara) near the hill indicating that the area had enough scope of growing short duration winter crop after the harvest of T. Aman.
Key words: Crops, Cropping, Livelihood and Hilly areas
J. Expt. Biosci. 2(1): January 2011
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Key words: Crops, Cropping, Livelihood and Hilly areas
J. Expt. Biosci. 2(1): January 2011
Full pdf: PDF