Nahid Sultana, Md. Abdur Razzaque, Md. Tazul Islam Chowdhury, Md. Abdul Owhab Mridha and Tuhin Suvra Roy

*Corresponding Author’s E-mail: nahidshovra71@gmail.com

The experiment was conducted at the Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka 1207 during the period from November 2017 – August 2018 to find out the effect of plant growth retardant nitrobenzene on plant height, yield and minerals content of tomato. The experiment comprised two factors. Factor 1: Tomato varieties (V1 (BARI Tomato- 1) and V2 (BARI Tomato-2); and factor- 2: four plant growth retardant doses, viz, nitrobenzene (T1= 0, T2=1.5, T3=2 and T4=2.5 ppm). The trial was outlined in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four replications. Application of nitrobenzene significantly influenced the height, yield and mineral contents of tomato. The highest plant height was found from V1 (97.25 cm) and T0 (97.5 cm) whereas the shortest from V2 (85.25 cm) and T3 (76.00 cm) at harvesting time. In case of treatment combinations, the tallest plant (95.5 cm) was found in V1T0 as well as the shortest plant (76.0 cm) was found in V1T3 at final harvest time. Considering variety, maximum yield per hectare (70.98 t) was observed in V2 and minimum (59.0 t) in V1. In case of growth retardant treatment, maximum yield per hectare (82.62 t) was observed in T2 and minimum (46.96 t) in T3. In case of combined effect of variety and growth retardant doses, maximum fruit yield per hectare (93.85 t) was observed in V2T2 and minimum (40.4) in V1T3. Combined effect of variety and growth retardant doses, the maximum nutrient nutrient (K, Na, and P) content (2.47% N, 0.12% Na and 0.521% P) were observed in V2T2 and 0.065%Ca content in V2T1 where minimum (0.95%N, 0.07%Na, 0.03%P and 0.421% Ca) in V1T3. It was concluded that at 2 ppm dose of growth retardant nitrobenzene performed the best yield and nutrient content.
Key words: Nitrobenzene, growth, yield, mineral and tomato.

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